Why Modern Freight Forwarders Need Cloud-Based Logistics Software

With good cause, businesses are migrating in historic numbers to the cloud. However, the reluctance to join the cloud is still a major issue for many freight forwarders. There is some doubt about the integration, functionality, and benefits of cloud-based logistics software, ranging from concerns about security and staff acceptance challenges following the move to old procedures that are still “getting the job done” to these new innovations.

However, the complexity of modern freight forwarding operations, which includes port congestion, customs compliance, employee shortages, and supply chain disruptions, highlights the necessity for the use of logistics cloud software that can scale to address new problems and take care of present ones.

A Look at How Freight Forwarding Is Changing

Recent world events have demonstrated that even supply chains that appear to be stable can abruptly dry up and that even dependable shipping lanes might unexpectedly become unavailable or unreasonably expensive. These isolated incidents point to the need for more efficient freight transportation procedures. However, they indicate a major shift in the market as a whole.

Freight forwarding activities are no longer sustainable utilizing old systems and procedures in light of digital-first operations that rely on real-time reporting, complete transparency, and the ability to communicate with consumers anywhere. Businesses now require flexible, connected, and adaptive solutions that can close the gap between paper-intensive operations and the on-demand expectations of customers and customs.

Simply put? Forwarding of freight is evolving. Businesses that don’t adapt will risk falling behind.

Modern Freight Forwarding Operations’ Challenges

Common difficulties faced by modern freight forwarding companies include:


Many freight forwarders find it challenging to act fast when costs, charges, or shipping details change because their data is entangled in paper processes and repetitive activities. Speed is crucial for communicating this data to customers and making internal modifications that promote profitability.


Both compliances with operations and customer happiness depend on data security. While customer data breaches could result in reputational harm and potential legal issues as clients try to recover lost expenditures, compromised databases could cause shipments to be held at ports or refused entrance.


Although manual processes are frequently used in the supply chain for routine tasks like recording dimensions, completing shipment manifests, and updating tracking data, they can also result in task duplication and decreased information accuracy. Freight forwarders must spend time and money locating and fixing these operational faults if several employees must perform the same action again and their collected data is inconsistent.


Complexity is currently a major challenge for freight forwarders, as was already mentioned. Forwarders require software solutions to reduce the steps necessary to enable key processes or locate specific information. This is necessary because of the introduction of ultra-ultra-massive container ships that must be fully loaded to generate revenue and the growing difficulties associated with streamlined goods analysis at border checkpoints, airports and seaports.

The rise of digital-first markets, ongoing upheavals in supply chains, and changes in port operations have all contributed to the complexity of modern freight forwarding. Freight forwarders need simplified, secure, and scalable cloud logistics solutions to stay current and ahead of the competition. Legacy solutions made for well-known forwarding procedures can no longer keep up.

Modern freight forwarders can gain from cloud-based logistics software’s significant advantages, including increased dependability, lower prices, simple upgrades, widespread accessibility, higher scalability, and more. Therefore, it makes sense that more companies are moving to the cloud and reusing their server rooms.

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